Thursday 18 August 2011

How PM is fighting for Democracy and you aren't

Phase 1

Anna - i am against corruption. I want a law against it

PM - we have been trying to pass that law for last 3-4 decades. I am respected as an honest person and politician by congress and other parties alike. My coalition government is the biggest thing affected by corruption but I love corruption that's why I would not support you for this new law.

Result - likely end of democracy. That's why it didn't happen.

Phase 2

Anna - I'm a citizen of India with a million others supporting me. My version of the law makes more sense to me and my educated followers. You should just accept this and table it to the parliament.

PM - I'm the elected representative of 1 billion Indians. We don't know how much your supporters know about this law and what the rest of them in majority think about it. But I'm happy to accept your law as it makes sense to you.

Result - likely end of democracy. That's why it didn't happen.

Phase 3

Anna - you didn't agree with my suggestions but can we talk about it ?

PM - No

Result - likely end of democracy. That's why it didn't happen

Phase 4

Anna - we talked about it with you and other politicians. We still have a different opinion of the law on how corruption should be dealt with and I now have the support of more educated civil society tweeting and face booking (with likely multiple ids). That's why you should accept my version of law

PM - sure, I'd be happy to. You didn't get the support from opposition parties. My legal advisers don't think your ideas make sense. The major media editors don't support you. The people supporting you are not experts on law and are going by some word of mouth understanding of your proposition. The parliament is the only legal body authorized to make laws in India. But no worries, give me your too idealistic version and I'll ask everyone who thinks otherwise to just accept it.

Result - likely end of democracy. That's why it didn't happen.

Phase 5

Anna -
I am a Gandhian and more honest than all of the ministers put together. I and all of my followers are not corrupt like you and therefore you should just listen to us and accept whatever we say.

PM - You are so correct. All of your followers are so pure at heart and honest. They aren't representatives of the corporates that engaged in any scams - CWG, Telecom, Adarsh building - was all just minsters making money out of thin air - no private contractors or industrialists involved. None of these have ever paid or accepted bribes or donations for schools, driving licenses etc, never pirated movies or software. They all deserve an honest government like themselves. The fact that they either did not vote at all or voted in the wrong people is not their fault.

You Mr Anna are more honest than me , although I'm the one trying to run ministries and country whereas you aren't really that much in the middle of things. The less said about Ms Kiran Bedi the better - she's never actually completed any of her terms in any of her job profiles is not her fault.

We'll take this at face value and accept your suggestions as you mentioned Gandhiji.

Result - likely end of democracy. That's why it didn't happen.


Anna - you didn't accept my suggestion. I'll fast until death like Gandhi ji to get you to agree

PM / Delhi Police
- since you said Gandhiji, we are OK for you to do it.

It doesn't matter that he didn't do it against a democratically elected government and his cause was easily understood by everyone. Given huge numbers and differences in opinions, there might be a law and order situation for everyone, might involve mob violence etc. You are trying to blackmail the government and might set a precedent for others to do the same. We know from experience that how so ever stupid a demand like that Ramdev fellow, once you start on a fast we are the ones perceived as wrong whatever we may do . But that's all right. Just do it.

Result - likely chaos, week government and new fast-unto-death threats everyday leading to end of democracy. That's why it didn't happen… yet

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